Can't Use the Great Empress' residence as a marketing gimmick

Madam Zhao spent some time peeling the peas. She did not waste a single one.

The green peas were very fresh. They were grown from seeds that Bai Wutong had brought from the modern world. What Carefree City was planting now were all cultivated in Youjia village.

There were a smaller quantity of them, and many people had never tried them.

Madam Zhao asked happily, "How do we eat these peas?"

Old Master Zhao said with certainty. "This belongs to the Great Empress' residence! Go buy a few pork trotters. We'll stew pork trotters with peas and have a good meal together!"

A pig only had four limbs. Even though everyone's standard of living had improved, pig trotters were still expensive goods that could not be bought often.

Madam Zhao smiled and said, "Alright, I'll go immediately!"