Better Understanding

On the day of the blind date, Gou Houxing woke up before dawn.

He hurriedly washed up, took out the clothes he had tried on the previous night, and changed into them. Then, he carefully tidied his hair. He felt that he was inhumanly handsome. When he looked outside, he could not even see his fingers.

This was too torturous.

Gou Houxing sat by the window and waited. When the rooster crowed and the bell of the bell tower sounded, he couldn't help but change his clothes and run ten rounds in the training ground.

His slightly tired body finally calmed him down.

After eating a bowl of noodles at the stall outside, Gou Houxing returned home and washed up and changed his clothes again. When he heard the bell ring, he immediately went out in high spirits.

It only took him ten minutes to walk to Cui Muzhi's dessert shop.

When he reached the entrance of the shop, it had just opened. There were no customers yet.