Value Bestowed by the State

When everyone asked about the price, apart from the braised duck being more expensive, the other dishes were actually at the same price as the canteen.

After knowing that the braised duck could be put together and that it was not expensive to rent a stall, Meng Gui opened for business.

A group ordered a roast duck, five plates of dishes, and five bowls of rice. The men ate until their mouths were covered with oil and praised, "Brother, your food is even better than the ones in my hotel!"

After receiving the praise, Meng Gui was even happier than if he had earned money. He even gave them a few bowls of seaweed egg soup.

This made these men very happy. "Brother, the food is so delicious. We'll help you spread the word later!"

Meng Gui also said likably, "Brothers, it's already my blessing that I have people visit my small stall and sit here."