Voice Transmission From A Thousand Miles

Every time they doubted it, they would only be shocked afterwards. Everyone had learned their lesson this time. Even if they suspected that He Jinchuan was exaggerating, they still said flatteringly, "With a woman's intelligence, a voice transmission from a thousand miles is nothing!"

He Jinchuan nodded in satisfaction. "Everyone, let's wait and see. Soon, our research lab will be communicating directly with the Great Empress' residence."

After another half a month, when the electric poles in the research room were about to be forgotten,

He Jinchuan ordered someone to place the brand new phone in the conference center of the research room and introduce to everyone the scientific research personally developed by the Great Empress.

Hearing that this was something created by the Great Empress, Hai Dongli, who was busy building the flying device, hurriedly put down his work and rushed to the conference center of the research room.