We Only Accept Gold

Zeng Sanshui looked up. Sure enough, all the walls were pasted with posters containing the words "It's shameful to waste food. Charges will be incurred for packing leftovers!"

Zeng Sanshui looked at his leftover fruits, skewers and snacks and said, "Then pack them up!"

Just as the soldier was about to speak, he heard the soldier beside him say to Bai Xinshui, "Consort, the food you need to pack costs a total of 86 taels of silver." Then he emphasized, "We only accept gold, not silver and copper coins."

Bai Xinshui even suspected that there was something wrong with her ears. "86 taels? You're robbing money, right!"

The soldier said seriously, "According to the market price, it's already considered cheap. Originally, you should have paid 108 taels of silver."

Bai Xinshui was furious. "I've never heard of an envoy having to pay when visiting other countries. Are you crazy from being broke?"