Dark Dragon Mountain

Zeng Sanshui and the others were dazzled. Like curious children, they touched left and right. From time to time, they would press the bell and look in the mirror.

Zeng Sanshui walked in and discovered something even more interesting.

Not only were there bicycles with two wheels, but there were also tricycles with three wheels!

Some tricycles could accommodate people at the back, but some had an iron trough at the back, probably used to carry goods.

Zeng Sanshui pointed at the black and stylish-looking bicycle and asked the boss for the price. "How much is this bicycle worth?"

The boss smiled and gestured with two fingers.

Zeng Sanshui guessed, "20 taels?"

The boss smiled and shook his head. Before he could speak, Bai Shining interrupted, "200 taels of silver for just this lousy thing? It's not even as fast as a horse! It's just a pile of trash after you buy it!"