Can You Work For Us

However, Zhao Chuchu didn't feel any ill intentions from the person watching her. She decided to ignore it and continued her journey to the town.

It wasn't until she was in the town that the feeling of her being watched went away.

After walking for a little longer, she finally turned back but couldn't find anything suspicious.

Zhao Chuchu decided to ignore that for the time being and headed to the herbal medicine shop.

As the plague had just gotten under control, few shops had yet opened their doors. The street looked quiet.

The medicine shop owner was falling asleep when he was interrupted by a knock on the counter.

He opened his eyes and quickly got up when he noticed it was Zhao Chuchu. With a huge smile on his face, he asked, "Doctor Zhao, what do you need?"

Zhao Chuchu handed the owner a list of herbs she needed and said, "Do you have these herbs?"