Perhaps There Is Still Time

Zhao Xing was horrified when he heard what Xie Heng said.

How could he know?

Zhao Chuchu was also surprised. Zhao Xing came directly to the kitchen and did not take anything from the kitchen.

"What nonsense are you talking about? I didn't take anything from you."

"Whether or not you did, a search will reveal the truth."

"Xie Heng, you are too much!"

"Oh, not when it's compared to what you did."

Zhao Xing did not dare to be searched, after all. In the end, he could only grit his teeth, take out the purse on him, and throw it to Xie Heng.

"There you go!"

"Chuchu, see if anything is missing from it."

Zhao Chuchu took the purse and suddenly smelled a faint fragrance, with a faint smell of blood mixed with it.

This was...

Zhao Chuchu suddenly felt that something was not right.