I Won't Kill Them

If the villagers consented to chase the Zhao clan out of the village, and if they had the magistrate's support, then the clan would have nowhere to go.

They had their roots in Lengshui Village, and there was no way they would risk gambling with that.

The clan head mumbled gibberish for a few seconds and could not say anything while the villagers agreed with the village chief.

"The chief is right! You guys never reflected on your own actions and kept pestering Chuchu! Who knows what you lot will do next?"

"It's not the first time Zhao Xing got into such troubles. Everyone also knows that he tried to rob the Xie clan that night! You'll have to come up with a better lie than that. Do you really expect us to believe that Xie Heng and Chuchu begged Zhao Xing to visit them at night?"