Don't Cause Us Any Trouble

Zhao Chuchu still insisted on giving Niu An the money. She stuffed the silvers in his hand and turned to start packing, not giving him a chance to refuse anymore.

Niu An looked at the silvers in his hand. He was filled with a particular type of emotion that he could not describe.

"Mr. Niu, can you help me take care of Dalang and Junjun? I just remembered that I need to get some Chinese medicine." Zhao Chuchu requested after she had finished packing. "I'll be back soon."

"Do you need me to help you carry the stuff?" Niu An quickly asked.

"It's okay. Just help me look after them." Zhao Chuchu paused and turned to look at Xie Heng. "Wait for me here."

"Okay." Xie Heng nodded.

He could tell that Zhao Chuchu was going to look to sell the Sky Heart Herb.

After that, Zhao Chuchu left the inn and headed to the largest medicine hall in the county, the Spring Medicine Hall.