She Is the Miracle Doctor

"I see that the two of you are in cahoots! I knew you were a stiff-necked recalcitrant!" Doctor Tian hurriedly found fault after seeing how the situation turned out. "No wonder you'd send a near-death pregnant woman here! So you intend to pull me down? Lu, do you think you can compete against me like this?"

Doctor Lu lost his cool and bellowed. "Tian, stop spouting bullshit out of that filthy mouth of yours! Not only did you choose to watch the patient die, but you would even slander me! Do you even know who she is? This young lady is the one who stopped the plague! The one who saved Yuanjiang County, Zhao Chuchu!

Rub your sleazy eyes clean and look properly! Does a miracle doctor like her need to use underhanded tactics against the likes of you? Did you think you were worthy of being an opponent against someone of her caliber? What a nerve! Stop overselling yourself and have some sense of shame!"