Won't Drive Them Into a Corner

Zhao Chuchu used her healing power to save the patient as quickly as possible.

With her medical skills, she could save the lying-in woman from certain death, but child delivery had caused her too much suffering. It'd be better if she could alleviate her patient's agony as much as possible. After all, she did not use her power on that day yet.

A green light glowed from Zhao Chuchu's hand and covered the lying-in woman's entire body.

The green light was brimmed with life force. After entering the woman's body, it slowly restored her from the inside out.

Once the patient was no longer in mortal danger, Zhao Chuchu stopped emanating her power. She did not recover the woman back to health.

If she did, it would scare the living daylight out of the others.

Zhao Chuchu did not want other people to know she had supernatural power.

She finally left after spending around 30 minutes sitting in the room.