She Has Good Eyes

Niu Ziming's face turned red upon hearing those words.

"All of you are being so absurdly unreasonable and foolish. What nonsense are you spouting?" He said angrily, "How dare you humiliate a scholar like that? Don't you have any respect for the intellectual and wise? Don't you know that all professions are inferior to academics?"

"Niu Ziming, you're older than Xie Heng, and you started studying earlier than Xie Heng. Xie Heng became a real scholar at age 12. You're 15 now and can't even pass the county exams. How dare you even call yourself a scholar? I won't even consider you a halfway decent student!" Zhao Chuchu scoffed.

"All professions are inferior to academics? Seriously? I wonder what the real academics would think if they knew that someone like you was claiming to be a scholar."

"Chuchu, I know your anger comes from a place of love. So I can forgive what you're saying right now..."

"So you insist on clinging to my wife?"