I'll Knock On Your Door At Midnight

"Chuchu, I've realized my mistake now. This mouth of mine just spouts all sorts of nonsense when it has nothing better to say, but I really didn't do it on purpose. So please let us off the hook, alright?" The elders from the Niu clan didn't listen to Madam Qian's pleas, so she went to beg Zhao Chuchu instead.

Zhao Chuchu's face was completely expressionless. A crocodile's tears wouldn't make her feel pitiful at all.

Xie Heng pulled Zhao Chuchu behind him, then looked at Madam Qian straight on and said, "Words that have been spoken are like water that has been spilled from a cup. You can't take them back so easily. If I had had any semblance of mistrust or suspicion toward Chuchu, these words would have been lethal to her. You made a planned, deliberate attempt to smear her. This cannot be brushed off as an unintentional act!"

Xie Heng was adamant about it. He insisted that Madam Qian and her son needed to be punished.