She Was Enthralled At That Moment

"I'm serious," Xie Heng reiterated his point, as though he was afraid that Zhao Chuchu wouldn't believe him.

Zhao Chuchu glanced at him. Did he take all the points on EQ and shift them to his looks and IQ instead?

Fortunately, God favored him and gave him a good-looking face. Otherwise, he would definitely be alone for the rest of his life.

"Whether someone is slim or plump, there's something good about every body type. But, brother, you can't say that Sis looks like a skeleton. She's being very nice by not beating you to death." Xie Jun despised the way Xie Heng spoke. He looked toward Zhao Chuchu with his cheeks puffed up and said, "Sis is the most beautiful person. No other arguments are accepted."

Every woman likes to be complimented, even if it's by a child.

"Children speak the most truthful words. Da Lang, I'm being very nice by not beating you to death," Zhao Chuchu said a little angrily.