Just Tell Me That You Got Me a Gift

Zhao Chuchu was surprised. "What's this?"

"A friend gave it to me. He told me to pass it to you," Xie Heng said calmly, reaching his hand forward a little more.

Zhao Chuchu didn't suspect anything. She received the box and opened it. It was a gorgeous hairpin made of extremely high-grade jade.

"It's beautiful," Zhao Chuchu ran her fingers across the hairpin and said, "Thank you to your friend."

"As long as you like it," Xie Heng said, the clenched fist hidden in his sleeves immediately relaxed. "I'll put down the stuff first."

Zhao Chuchu nodded.

She took out the hairpin and scrutinized it.

Zhao Chuchu was fond of jade. Before the apocalypse, most of the jewelry pieces she collected were made of jade.

But after the apocalypse, jade was worth less than sausages, which was why she immediately sold her entire jade collection after she reincarnated.