I Do Not Accept This Condition

"Where is the remaining tofu? Our manager says he wants it all!"

The person who had come was none other than Visitor's Aroma's bartender.

During lunch, Manager Lin gave early customers a small portion of tofu per table. The remaining tofu was then almost immediately ordered up by them.

When later customers came and saw the new dishes, they all wanted to try them out. However, the tofu was already sold out. Hence, Manager Lin sent the bartender to find Zhao Chuchu, hoping there was still tofu remaining.

Zhao Meilan apologetically said, "Bro, we just sold off our last bit of tofu."

"What? Sold out? Is there none left?" asked the bartender as he stretched out his neck to take a look. He immediately revealed a look of disappointment. He then said, "Then, what do I do? There are many customers still waiting for the tofu dishes. Mrs. Xie, can I trouble you to follow me back to the tavern to speak with the manager? Otherwise, he will blame me."