He Can't Die in Our House

Zhao Guiqing's expression immediately changed. He jumped back and quickly put his hands behind his back. "I didn't do anything. He fell on his own!"

Madam Zhou nearly fainted when she saw her husband lying unconscious on the floor. She didn't even know how she ran up to her husband, but her body was covered in Mr. Hu's blood. Her hands were cold as the color was drained from her face.

She knelt down as her hands started to shake. "B-Bingyu?"

Hu Bingyu did not show any reaction. Blood continued to spill from the wound on his head.

"Ugh! How unlucky. Carry him out. Don't let him die inside our house!" Old Madam Ma got anxious too. "Hey, hurry up!"

"Don't you guys dare to touch him!" Madam Zhou roared. "You guys killed him. You guys will pay for this!"