Cost Is No Problem

It was cloudy the next day.

But they still got up early to prepare for the travel to town.

To facilitate the delivery of tofu skins, Chuchu bought two mule carts. Mules were faster than oxen and cheaper than horses. So, they were relatively cost-effective.

Xin Lichuan's coachman also followed along.

Chuchu organized the custom-made medicine box, taking stock of silver needles and other items so she would not miss anything.

Otherwise, replenishment would be difficult when they arrived at the patient's home.

They left at dawn.

When they arrived at the county town, it was precisely 9 A.M.

Chuchu did not need to settle tofu skins herself, so she went directly to the Gan clan with Xie Heng and Xie Jun.

Old Mrs. Gan was practicing walking in the courtyard. When she saw Chuchu, she beamed at her. "Chuchu, Da Lang, why are you so early? This child must be Junjun, right? He is handsome as his name suggests."