One Less Poor Woman

Zhao Chuchu shook her head. "One's nature can't be changed. More people would suffer if they were forced to change it."

"But how else could our Wu clan continue the lineage?" Elder Mrs. Qiu asked in a trembling voice. "Is it really going to stop here?"

Zhao Chuchu did not know what to say.

Elder Mrs. Qiu was indeed good. However, if she adopted a child for Wu Erlang to teach, no one would know what that child would become.

If that day did come, not only could Wu Erlang not teach that child properly, but he might also ruin that child's future.

After all, Wu Erlang was not a good person.

"Mrs. Xie, please do something about it. I beg you," Elder Mrs. Qiu pleaded. "Money is not a problem."