Improper Time Travel

Xie Heng was still thinking about whether he should go with Zhao Chuchu to check out some fabrics after buying medicine later, but he didn't expect his brother to allow him to have some private time with Zhao Chuchu.

He smiled slightly. "Good, we'll see if there are any snacks you like. Why don't you practice your handwriting? I will check it when I'm back."

"Don't worry, brother. I promise I will practice harder." Xie Jun nodded thoughtfully.

"We'll bring you candy if you behave yourself," Zhao Chuchu also said.

Xie Jun beamed with pleasure. "Sure, I will."

The candy called sugar-coated haws, given by Zhao Chuchu, was the most delicious because it smelled good and tasted sweet.

Zhao Chuchu and Xie Heng went out holding hands.

Xie Jun laughed like a drain.

He thought he would be an uncle soon.

Old Mrs. Gan came out and saw Xie Jun giggling alone, so she asked, "Junjun, what are you happy about? Tell me."