The Baby Cannot Be Saved

Sikou Qin was being supported by a guard, dying.

She could not die like this.

"Send... send me to the Gan clan's house..." Sikou Qin said to the guard with all her might, "Find... find Zhao... Zhao Chuchu..."

"Excuse me, Your Excellency."

The guard picked up Sikou Qin in a horizontal embrace and rushed to the Gan clan's house as fast as possible.

Sikou Qin felt colder and colder, and her life seemed to fade gradually.

She thought, "Am I going to die?"

"Not dead? She's going to kill that servant girl just because of that?" Zhao Chuchu's mouth twitched. "She really doesn't take other people's lives seriously."

Being high and mighty, one could treat human life as if it were not worth a penny.

"Perhaps Sikou Qin is heading to the Gan clan's house to get your help at this time." Xie Heng was indifferent. It was he who saved Chuntao, and he did not think that she could kill Sikou Qin with a single blow.