Pregnant With Ghosts

Chuchu would not bother with these things.

By evening, she and Xie Heng would take Xie Jun with them and leave Lengshui Village.

It only took them one night to arrive at the Mingan Province.

However, Mingan Province was even larger than Guangqing Province.

So Xie Heng rented a carriage for the journey to Yuyun County,

Chuchu prepared all the needed medicine for the big belly disease in advance. After packing it in the box, she rushed to Yuyun County.

They didn't stop on the way. Lunch was even finished in the carriage.

The coachman drove the carriage at top speed, and by evening, they finally arrived at the county town of Yuyun County.

Xie Jun was dispirited and pale from the bumpy journey. They had to stay in the county overnight and leave for Qiaoyi Town tomorrow.

When the bartender served the meal, Chuchu inquired about the big belly disease in Qiaoyi Town.