He Is Junjun's Birth Brother

When Zhao Chuchu mentioned spying on the affairs of others, Qiao Heting remembered when he stalked her and ended up getting beat up.

Zhao Chuchu continued by saying, "Since I can detect the scent of medicine from you, I naturally can differentiate what sort of medicine it is. With this knowledge, figuring out the situation is not difficult."

Qiao Heting stared at her for a long while.

"Then, do you know what illness my friend has?"

"I don't know. After all, there are many ways medicine could be used. I can only be sure of his illness after checking his pulse. Mr. Qiao, if you want to rely on someone, don't suspect them. Otherwise, don't rely on suspicious people. If you still doubt me, feel free to seek the expertise of others."

"Aren't you afraid that I will take action against you?"

"Honestly, Mr. Qiao, you can't do anything to me. Even if you try to kill me, you will die instead," said Zhao Chuchu with a faint smile.