He Scared Me Every Time

Zhao Meilan hurriedly said, "Sister Chuchu, I came to share this happy event with you. I am not coming for some gift. It's because of you that our family could live a better life. And it's because of you that I could meet him. You don't have to spend money on this."

Actually, they should be giving Zhao Chuchu a gift.

Zhao Chuchu said, "Let's talk about it later. I won't tell you now. By the way, have you decided on the date?"

Zhao Meilan whispered, "Not yet, but my father has said yes to the Hu family, and they will officially come to propose to me in a few days. Sister Chuchu, will my life be totally different after marriage?"

"I don't think so. If your husband loves you, you will have one more person who will treat you very well. However, the Hu family will also treat you well."

"But Sister Chuchu, I am not well-educated. Can the Hu Family really accept me like this? Or are they just looking for someone to bring babies for the family?"