Dogs Biting Each Other

Old Man Zhao's son wasn't as strong as the sons of the clan chief. Soon, they were badly wounded by the men from the clan chief's home.

On the other hand, Madam Yang beat the clan chief's wife till her hair was a complete mess, and there were scratch marks all over her face.

"Stop, stop now!" Niu Tongsheng roared angrily. "Are you trying to kill each other? Quick, pull them apart!"

The people who followed Niu Tongsheng to the clan chief's home hurriedly went forward and pulled them apart.

"All of you black-hearted, filthy, disgusting animals! You're all sluts, bitches, rotten assholes..." Madam Yang continued to point at the clan chief's family and screech at the top of her lungs despite being restrained by other people.