Better To Take It That She Was An Orphan

Niu Tongsheng felt a little awkward. He cleared his throat and said, "I thought I should just come and ask you first, but it's up to you what you want to do about it. I won't stick my nose into other people's business."

"What can I do? I think we should just ignore people we dislike. You don't need to take anything Madam Yang says to heart. There's no way she can threaten you," Zhao Chuchu said with a serious expression. "I won't do anything for them."

"Alright, in that case, you can just treat whatever I say about them in the future as stories. But, as the village chief, there are some things that I have to do."

"Yeah, I understand."

Zhao Chuchu wouldn't try to find trouble with Niu Tongsheng for such a minute issue.

As the village chief, it was his responsibility to deal with certain things. How else was he supposed to assert his authority in the village?