He Won't Fool Around For Much Longer

"The Xia clan seems to be rotten at its core. No wonder it can't compete with the Yuan clan. From the elders to the youngsters, none of them seem like good people! This is why they say good fish can't come from a dirty pond!" Zhao Chuchu said. "But why did Xia Chengxuan look so weak and cowardly? I suppose she is the daughter of a mistress, right?"

Xie Heng nodded and said, "Her mother was a servant previously. But she still lived a better life than your mother."

"They were born with different statuses. You didn't tell me all these for fear that I might try to seek revenge on the Xia clan?"

"I didn't really know you back then, so I didn't want you to be involved in this messy situation. But now, I'm not afraid anymore. I know that you can judge the situation for yourself. Besides, you would have found out about these things eventually. So I'd rather tell you about it now than let you find out yourself."