Be Nice When I'm Gone

"I don't mind if they can pay the price for betraying me." Zhao Chuchu glanced at Yuan Hui and smiled. "There are many ways to expose a person, and I wouldn't mind using the cruelest out of them."

Yuan Hui was shocked by the murderous intent inside Zhao Chuchu's eyes.

She had always known that Zhao Chuchu was not a person to be messed with, but that was the moment that she felt that the most.

"Hui, I was never a good person. Whether I save a person or not is decided by my mood. No one has the right to try and use me, not even my grandparents. I don't even care if they yell at me for not being respectful or if I'm embarrassing them. Those mean nothing to me."

There was pride in Zhao Chuchu's eyes when she said that, and she could back that up.

Even if she didn't have the ability, she would still say the same thing.

Trying to tie her down with morality would prove useless.