It Will Hurt a Little

The father and son were escorted by the servants.

When they got close, Zhao Chuchu spotted a terrifying wound on the left face of the boy. It was already inflamed and infected. If the wound were not tended to right away, it would leave a huge scar on his face for the rest of his life.

Yuan Hui was not expecting such a shocking sight either.

"Chuchu!" She turned to look at Zhao Chuchu.

Zhao Chuchu knew what Yuan Hui wanted and nodded. "We should find an inn first. We have to treat the wound right away, or else it'll leave a huge scar."

She could see the kindness and gentleness in the eyes of the father and son. She could tell they were kind people.

Zhao Chuchu would not hold back on saving people like them.

She also overheard the argument and knew the daughter had gone missing in the Xia clan's mansion.

With such an unfortunate incident, there was no way she would sit still and do nothing.