Not Going To Apologize?

Zhao Chuchu was very calm and composed. She simply stared at the woman.

Although her gaze was calm, it made the woman's scalp feel warm.

The woman subconsciously took two steps backward.

"I'm not going to deal with people like you," the woman said hurriedly, then turned and tried to leave.

Zhao Chuchu reached her hand out casually to block her path. She looked at her impassively and said, "I said apologize. Did you not hear me?"

"Move. I said I'm not going to interact with you!"

"But, unfortunately, I'm not going to let you go like that. You arrived here and immediately tried to defame me with your nonsense, and you think you can decide what happens now?" Zhao Chuchu smiled and said. "In case you didn't hear me, I'll repeat myself. Apologize!"

Zhao Chuchu emphasized every single syllabus when she spoke the last word.