You Think I'm Dead?

Yuan Hui didn't understand why Zhao Chuchu displayed goodwill toward Madam Huo.

She knew that Zhao Chuchu was a reasonable and rational person.

She wanted to hurry Zhao Chuchu and tell her to go, but Zhao Chuchu seemed like she didn't hear Yuan Hui at all. She continued to stand there and converse with Mrs. Yuan.

This was the first time that Yuan Hui had seen her mother speak so much. Regardless of what Zhao Chuchu said, Madam Huo could continue the conversation with her.

"If you need anything, just let me know. You can do whatever you want in this house. Just treat it as your own home. There's no need to restrain yourself."

"Thank you, Mrs. Yuan."

Yuan Hui kept tugging Zhao Chuchu from the side and tried to bring her away. She didn't want Zhao Chuchu to interact with Madam Huo too much.

But Zhao Chuchu behaved as though she couldn't feel or see Yuan Hui at all. She continued to converse with Madam Huo.