It's Not Hard to Guess

"Miss Zhao!" Madam Huo waited for Zhao Chuchu to approach and directly shouted out.

When Zhao Chuchu heard this, the smile in her eyes flickered away.

Yuan Hui was not a match for Madam Huo. She could never outwit a sophisticated woman like Madam Huo.

"You must be curious as to why I know your identity, right?" Madam Huo looked at Zhao Chuchu.

Zhao Chuchu shook her head. "I am not surprised at all. You will know this sooner or later, but when did you find out about this?"

"It's not hard to guess. Huihui's trip was to Yuanjiang County, and you saved Huihui last time, so it all came out straight."

"So you know everything? Including Hui's accident?"

"Well, yes, but Huihui does not like me to be nosy. By the way, how is the old lady's condition now? Do you have a method?"

"Why do you want to know that?"