I Miss You

Zhao Chuchu's harsh words made Yuan Hui a little embarrassed.

"Bad luck!" Zhao Chuchu added in disgust.

"The Xia clan will find you sooner or later, so you can't hide your identity for long, not to mention that Xia Chengxuan has even met you," Yuan Hui said.

Zhao Chuchu smiled but did not say anything.

At least at the moment, she was not too willing to deal with the Xia clan.

"Well, enough about that. I heard you've been dispensing medicine in your room these two days. Is it all for my grandmother?"

Yuan Hui changed the subject.

"No, it's for Chunxiang's face."

"Why do you make so much?"

"Anyway, I'm making the medicine, so might as well. If you have close friends with the same problem as Chunxiang, I can help them."

Yuan Hui could not help but laugh out loud.

She liked Zhao Chuchu's honesty the most.