You Scared My Sister

Chuchu dressed Xie Heng as a girl and found that he looked neat in female clothing, just like an aloof beauty from a classical painting.

She looked at him and made a joke. "Da Lang, you're so beautiful. I would fall in love with you if I were a man."

"You can fall in love with me even if you are a woman." Xie Heng looked at her. "But Chuchu, can I put on something else? I'm not used to it."

The once powerful Official Xie had done everything but never dressed up as a girl like right now.

He felt very awkward and uncomfortable in any way.

"No, dress just like this. It looks good." Chuchu disagreed.

With such a gorgeous beauty, she had to take more looks at him, or else she wouldn't have a chance next time.

Xie Heng couldn't win against Chuchu and was forced to wear them.

Chuchu dressed up as a man and went out with Xie Heng as if they were a sister and a brother.

When Xie Heng's men saw this, they thought they were blinded.