Picked On and Humiliated

Just as Miss Du indulged in her confidence and thought about how she was going to win effortlessly, Zhao Chuchu raised her arm and plucked the strings on the Guzheng.

The melody from the Guzheng sounded like the rallying horns of an attacking army. The audience could almost hear the roars and yells of powerful warriors, the clings and clangs of swords and shields. Then, suddenly, the music became even more agitated.

The hearts of the audience were hung in the air by the music, and they even started to feel the tension in the air.

The audience felt like they could see two armies engaged in a fierce battle. It was grand, shocking, solemn, and tragic. The heroic sadness was expressed to perfection. It sounded like the roars of soldiers who were ambushed and trapped, fighting the final battle of their lives. Just then, the music stopped.

The garden was so quiet that the audience could probably hear a pin drop.