That Was Outrageous

Zhao Chuchu ran to one side and gestured for Deng Dalin to get up. "I am already married. If I go back with you, I'm afraid my husband will not be so happy to see you. It's not good for my reputation. If you really want to repay me, just live your own life."

"I can explain to Mr. Xie. I just want to repay your kindness," Deng Dalin said.

Zhao Chuchu said, "No need. I didn't save you for your repayment."

Yuan Hui chimed in. "Why don't you stay at the Yuan clan, Uncle Deng? You don't have a place to go anyway. We are short-handed here because we fired some people a few days ago. Rest assured. This will not be on the contract. You can leave anytime if you have a better place to go in the future."

Deng Dalin couldn't believe what he had just heard.

"Miss Yuan, is it true what you said?"

"Yes, are you willing to stay in the Yuan clan?"

"I do. Of course, I do. Thank you, Miss Yuan."