Never a Man of Reason

"Da Lang, do you think it's a blessing in disguise for Xi'er?" Zhao Chuchu remembered Tian Qi's nervousness about Xi'er and asked Xie Heng.

Xie Heng chuckled and said, "Things are unpredictable. If Xi'er likes him, they will make a good couple. If not, then the hunter will probably be put in the friend zone by her."

"You're right. Love can't be forced. But let's hope that Xi'er will meet a good man so that Deng Dalin and his son can be relieved."

"They will be. You are a lucky star. All those who meet you will be blessed with good luck."

"Like me, Xie Jun, and Yuan Hui..." he thought.

"Then I suppose everyone would like to know me, right?"

"Well, because you're a lucky star, so yeah!"

Zhao Chuchu giggled.

She naturally tilted her head to lean against Xie Heng's shoulder and looked up at the starry night sky. She hadn't felt so relaxed for a long time.