It Was Impossible

Yuan Hui was silent for a moment before saying, "Then how about I go and discuss it with my grandmother?"

"There is no hurry. Let's wait and see the Ye clan and the Hong clan's reaction." Zhao Chuchu stopped her. "Don't tell the old lady about last night for now, or she will definitely be mad."

"Okay, I won't."

Yuan Hui was a bit confused. She couldn't make up her mind, so she could only listen to Zhao Chuchu.

Zhao Chuchu sighed. "You should have learned some martial arts back then, so you can at least protect yourself."

"Is it too late for me to learn now?"

"No, but it's going to be hard. Do you still want to do it?"

"I'd do anything to get stronger. Chuchu, when you return to Yuanjiang County, why don't I come with you to learn martial arts?"

"I thought we agreed on the Imperial City."

"If I can choose, I don't want to go to the Imperial City."