This Makes Me Feel Disgusted

"Enough! Miss Lin is here to heal. You can invite a better doctor back if you don't believe her, or shut up now!" Xia Chengzhu said impatiently.

Those women stopped speaking when they heard the words.

In addition to Xia Chengzhu's words, what Zhao Chuchu said was so close to home for one of them.

Xia Songquan kept staring at Zhao Chuchu.

Only when they were all quiet did Xia Songquan speak. "Have we met before?"

Zhao Chuchu looked at Xia Songquan. "I haven't seen you before."

"No, we must have met." Xia Songquan felt Zhao Chuchu looked too familiar, but like the butler, he could never remember where he had seen Zhao Chuchu before.

However, he was sure of one thing. He had definitely seen Zhao Chuchu before.

Zhao Chuchu faintly smiled. "Old Mr. Xia, if you say such words again, I'm only afraid I won't be able to leave here later. Your concubines are going to tear me up, I guess."