You Can't Be Protected Forever

"Old Mrs. Yuan, the Yuan and Ye clans have always been on good terms. I don't have the heart to see your clan facing difficulties and cannot save yourselves. I just want to help you now."

"Bringing so many people to the door is not helping. It's forcing!"

"It really hurts my feeling if you say so."

"What you did today also hurt the peace between the two clans! The marriage should make us lasting friends, but what you did is make the two clans feud!"

Old Mrs. Yuan glared at the Fourth Old Mr. Ye.

The Fourth Old Mr. Ye was sure that the Yuan clan could not refuse today, so he was not angry no matter what Old Mrs. Yuan said. "Since you said so. Wouldn't I bear this scolding for nothing if I don't do it?"

"Old Mrs. Yuan. You have to tell me today. Do you agree with this marriage or not?"

The Fourth Old Mr. Ye tore off his mask and revealed his hideous intention.