He Will Be Unhappy

"Old Mrs. Yuan, the Yuan clan and the Ye clan are both in Guangqing Province. We're supposed to support each other. If we become enemies, we don't have anybody to turn to in the future when one of us is in trouble." The vice magistrate's tone was cold, revealing a hint of threat.

"Sir, you must be joking. We're nothing but merchants. Even if we are in trouble, how do we have the heart to bother you?" Old Mrs. Yuan looked as calm as ever. "Moreover, we have little interaction with each other. If we spend too much time together, I'm afraid it won't be good for your career."

"So you're telling me you're not willing to reconcile, right?"

"I don't quite understand what you mean, sir."

How could Old Mrs. Yuan possibly reconcile with the Ye clan?

She had not forgotten how the Ye clan had threatened to force the Yuan clan.

If Qiao Heting had not arrived in time, God knew what would happen to her Huihui.