I Don't Want You to Go

By the time Zhao Chuchu came back from Xie Heng's place, it was almost noon.

Xie Heng made her stay and lay in bed with him for almost the entire morning. They didn't do anything except for lying under the blanket and chat.

Xie Heng was very knowledgeable about a lot of things. He could carry the conversation regardless of what Zhao Chuchu spoke about. The conversation was so easy that Zhao Chuchu lost track of time.

Yuan Hui had been waiting in Zhao Chuchu's room for her to return.

"Was the injury very severe? You needed an entire night and the morning?" Yuan Hui walked forward hurriedly when she saw Zhao Chuchu. She asked, "Are you exhausted now? Do you need me to get people to prepare some hot water for your so you can shower? How about a massage?"