Faster than the Rest 1

"But don't worry. I'll tell my mom not to trust superstitious beliefs to get a son. I wouldn't want her to ruin her body because of that," Zhao Meilan quickly explained, worried that Zhao Chuchu would misunderstand.

"The gender of the baby has already been decided the moment they are conceived. Those weird methods that promise a son are fake, and those who actually got a son were just lucky. It's a 50-50 chance, after all. At least half of those who tried those methods would get a son." Zhao Chuchu paused. "The same goes for you in the future too. Don't pay too much attention to whether you'll bear a son or a daughter. There's no point in having many sons if you can't raise them properly."

Zhao Meilan's face turned red as she nodded.

She was about to marry soon, which meant that she would have to get pregnant eventually.

"However, it's not absolute. I'll be able to help you when the time comes," Zhao Chuchu whispered to Zhao Meilan.