They Did Not Consummate the Marriage

Slaughtering a pig was a huge event in the village.

Children especially liked to join in the fun.

After the pig was slaughtered, close families would be invited to share a meal together.

By the time Zhao Chuchu and Xie Jun made their way over, the pig had been shaved and was about to be brought to the river for cleaning.

Xie Jun dashed over and followed the other children, chasing after the pig being carried to the river.

Old Mrs. Chen also carried a basket full of vegetables to the river. When she saw Zhao Chuchu, she waved and called out to her, "Chuchu, you came just in time. If you are free, could you help me wash the vegetables?"

"Of course, I can," replied Zhao Chuchu as she quickly walked forward. She took the basket from Old Mrs. Chen and asked, "Why are you washing so many vegetables?"

"The weather has been good recently. I plan to dry some vegetables so we can have some during spring when there won't be much available."