Chapter 362 You Can't Just Sentence Her to Death Like That

Old Man Zhao's face turned red from Zhao Chuchu's harsh criticism. He couldn't say a single word in return for a long while.

After hearing Zhao Chuchu's long monologue, Madam Yang didn't dare to speak anymore.

Madam Liu was the only one who couldn't read the situation. 

All she knew was that it was her best chance. If she could chase Madam Ma out of the family and when Madam Yang became so old that she couldn't move anymore, the Zhao clan would become the property of her and her husband.

"Chuchu, don't try to deceive us just because we're not knowledgeable about this. You're saying all that nonsense just to confuse us. Since you've already chosen to cut ties with the Zhao clan, you should know that this is our familial affair. Why are you trying to help her at the cost of our reputation?