Chapter 364 That Is His Son!

"Chuchu, can my blood really help Changrong to survive?" Chen Dashan asked anxiously, "Nothing is going to go wrong, right?"

"Uncle Dashan, you have to trust me." Zhao Chuchu raised her head and said to him.

"Then why didn't you bring the blood to Changrong now? Is he going to drink it?"

"No, he's not going to drink it. It's just like how I drew the blood from you, just in reverse. I took the blood out from you. Now I'm going to inject it into his veins. Blood that has just been drawn cannot be injected into another person directly. I need to prepare it first. It takes a while."

Chen Dashan had no idea how any of this worked, and neither did he understand what Zhao Chuchu was doing right now.

All he felt was that Zhao Chuchu was moving really quickly, so quickly that he could barely see her hands.