Chapter 369 Didn't You Notice Anything Off?

"I have already paid the consultation fee. You must save my son's life," said Madam Ma. Her voice was trembling slightly as she continued, "As long as he lives, I am willing to part with everything."

Zhao Chuchu plainly said, "Since I will be treating him, he will definitely be saved."

"Thank you," said Madam Ma. She then turned towards Zhao Changrong.

Zhao Changrong had already fallen asleep.

His heaving chest indicated to Madam Ma that he was still alive.

As she looked at Zhao Changrong, Madam Ma felt that anything she did for him would be worth it.

The two of them did not speak anymore. Once the bag of blood was transfused, Zhao Chuchu pulled out the transfusion tube. She then put the items away.

"Call me if Zhao Changrong wakes up. In the meantime, take good care of him. Do not let members of the Zhao clan into the room. Otherwise, my efforts will be in vain," Zhao Chuchu reminded Madam Ma.

The latter nodded in acknowledgment.