Chapter 389 The Best Gift

A jade hairpin lay there. Its clear and smooth texture told her that it was something extremely valuable.

"Do you like it?" Xie Heng asked.

Zhao Chuchu nodded. "I do! Can you help me put it on?"

Xie Heng smiled. He picked up the hairpin and tied Zhao Chuchu's hair with it. Just as he had thought, the hairpin suited her very well.

"Does it look good?"

"It does."

Xie Heng then pulled Zhao Chuchu to the bronze mirror.

The jade hairpin now bundled up a part of her hair, giving her another vibe than her usual self.

Xie Heng had an excellent eye for spotting the best accessories.

Zhao Chuchu loved the present a lot.

However, she did not prepare any gifts in return. The jades that she had collected were sold to get more resources. There was not a decent gift that she could take out for the man right away.