Chapter 389 The Best Gift 3

It would be easy for the villagers to win as long as they got the hang of the games.

For fairness' sake, everyone only had one chance to play every round. If they didn't win anything, they could go to the back of the line until all prizes were given away.

Zhao Chuchu didn't participate because she would win everything if she did. The entire event would be pointless if that happened.

The fair began a couple of hours before the sun started to set. 

The sun-drying field was filled with people. Almost everyone in Lengshui village had gathered.

Even if people didn't win the game, they would still cheer loudly. The place had a lively atmosphere.

Enjoying such an event and atmosphere, Zhao Chuchu was happy too.

Old Mrs. Chen was extremely lucky in the ring toss game. She managed to win a chicken and had a smile on her face for the rest of the event.

"Chuchu, why don't you go and try? Look! I won a hen!"